Linguistic and Cultural Proficiency Is Critical in Mitigating Healthcare Disparities

In 2009, I went to a business networking luncheon. The Marketing Director of a major hospital campus in my neighborhood told me to scoot over in a booth I was sitting at because she wanted to sit next to me to talk. She had heard that my company specializes in multicultural marketing and maybe, just […]

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Commit to Providing Linguistically and Culturally Competent Offerings to Diverse Market Segments

Through the many sectors, industries, and communities that Language Testing International (LTI) supports across the world, we have been able to observe, experience, and be a part of many business and societal trends. One of these trends, especially within the U.S. market, has been the shift in the American business mindset into attempting to become […]

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Delivering Equitable Access for Advancement Opportunities

A company cannot truly achieve a diverse and inclusive workplace without establishing equity and equitable pathways that remove the barriers to entry, access, and advancement for its diverse employees. One tangible way to create these equitable pathways is through education and job opportunity. JetBlue’s Global Scholars Program provides major cost coverage for employees to pursue […]

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Business Benefits of Multilingualism

In our increasingly globalized world, there is a growing need for a multilingual workforce. The demand for multilingual employees more than doubled between 2010 and 2015. The workforce has continued to evolve since then, particularly because of the COVID-19 pandemic — as of 2021, there has been a 30% increase in bilingual remote jobs. Multilingual employees bring undeniable value to the workplace, […]

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The ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test Administered by LTI

As discussed in previous blogs, being able to speak English is not the only skill that employees who work in a global corporate environment need to have; being able to communicate by writing is also essential to remain competitive and gain success. A measure such as the ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), administered exclusively through […]

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Developing Talent: Language Proficiency Testing As Learning Impact Evidence

Building workforce capability is critical in achieving an organization’s strategic and operational objectives. Learning and development (L&D) is one of the primary talent management strategies for workforce capability building. L&D interventions could range from new hire orientation to technical skill training, compliance training, language training, or soft skill training to leadership development. The corporate L&D […]

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The Importance of Spoken English in Today’s Global Work Environment

Writing in a language versus being able to speak or converse in a language are two different things. The skill of writing in a particular language can be obtained via classroom instruction, assignments, books, and dictionaries. On the other hand, communicating effectively in spoken English can be challenging, especially when it comes to the pronunciation […]

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Importance of English Language Assessments in a Global Work Environment

With a growing global workforce, English language proficiency has become one of the most sought-after skills. Additionally, given the reliance of multinational companies on an increasingly migrant workforce, with people moving to countries seeking not just new jobs but also career advancement opportunities, the need for fluency in the English language and to be able […]

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The Necessity of English Language Testing Irrespective of Work Location

With the increase of flexible and remote working opportunities, there will be an increase in the number of expats working for global multinational organizations in the coming years. Even though working abroad has never been easier, English language skills continue to be the deciding factor. Without the right level of English language comprehension, finding work […]

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Languages & Technology: The New Path to Career Acceleration

The COVID-19 crisis inflicted enormous economic hardships on our workforce. I was furloughed, and many other professionals also suffered furloughs, pay reductions, lost business opportunities, and even layoffs. Yet in the midst of these challenges, it has also created a whole new world of opportunities, enabled by advances in technology and communication. If you are […]

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