The Necessity of English Language Testing Irrespective of Work Location

With the increase of flexible and remote working opportunities, there will be an increase in the number of expats working for global multinational organizations in the coming years. Even though working abroad has never been easier, English language skills continue to be the deciding factor. Without the right level of English language comprehension, finding work […]

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Languages & Technology: The New Path to Career Acceleration

The COVID-19 crisis inflicted enormous economic hardships on our workforce. I was furloughed, and many other professionals also suffered furloughs, pay reductions, lost business opportunities, and even layoffs. Yet in the midst of these challenges, it has also created a whole new world of opportunities, enabled by advances in technology and communication. If you are […]

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Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in The Workplace: Language Training

Diversity and inclusion has been rated as a top subject with tremendous impact on organizations five years in a row, according to the annual Top 10 Work Trends Survey conducted by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)1. The demand for a diverse, inclusive workforce from leadership, employees, and other stakeholders continues and is […]

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Why Businesses Should Test Heritage Speakers’ Language Skills

Your company’s business depends on the professional communication skills of bilingual employees. How does this play a role in the hiring process? According to the resumes reviewed, many candidates are heritage language users of the languages needed. If these applicants already speak the desired language, why is it important to test their language proficiency? The […]

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Hiring for Healthcare in 2020

In the healthcare field, employing skilled and competent caregivers who are able to meet the diverse and growing needs of our communities is more important than ever. In a 2018 study commissioned by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, it was reported that 41% of […]

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The Do’s & Dont’s of Evaluating Language Competency When Hiring

Many 21st century jobs require individuals who have specific skill sets or competencies which can be proven with certifications, ratings, or official measurements. Rarely would it be enough to trust a job candidate to evaluate his or her own abilities as a computer programmer who claims to be proficient in a specific programming language. Nor would […]

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The Growing Demand for a Multilingual Workforce

With the growing demand for multilingual in today’s increasingly globalizing world, listing “fluency” in several languages on one’s resume has become a significant advantage for job seekers. What does it actually mean when someone says that they are fluent, though? How can companies be sure that the people they are hiring actually have the requisite […]

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