Meeting People Where They Are while Coaching for Language Competency

In a recent episode of the “Language is Your Superpower” podcast, guest Casie Arellano shares insights about supporting the attainment of language proficiency for a diverse workforce and provides tips for coaching adults learning English. When teaching a new language and particularly when coaching ESOL learners to enhance their language competencies within diverse workplaces, you […]

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Meet a Language Superhero: Alan Linus Lee–A Modern-Day Renaissance Man

 Alan Lee is a modern-day renaissance man. He speaks several languages, has obtained multiple degrees and certificates, and traveled the world both for work and study. He has a great perspective on navigating multilingual and multicultural spaces and the impact of travel on language proficiency. He talked to LTI about his experiences learning languages and […]

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Why Language Inclusion Is the Key to Effective Community Building

Anyone in a leadership role quickly learns the value of good communication skills if they want to be effective. This can be especially challenging if language is a barrier between the leader and those they are trying to lead. Language Testing International is proud to have provided language assessment services to many leaders around the […]

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Championing Equitable Education within Your Community

 The article, “Immigration and Language Diversity in the United States,”  delineates how the history of linguistic diversity in the U.S. has ebbed and flowed throughout time. Long before English settlers arrived, there were many distinct languages spoken in Native American communities in North America. In the 18th and 19th centuries, there were an estimated 10 […]

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ESOL Teacher Carried to Victory by Hopeful Students

 How the hope of representation inspired ESOL students to overcome language barriers and carry their teacher to victory At Language Testing International, we see the powers of language learning manifest in all different forms, and a person’s decision to improve their language skills can be in response to a multitude of reasons—especially when there is […]

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Mitigating Conflict and Fostering Mutual Understanding with Language Proficiency

At Language Testing International, we have seen countless ways in which language proficiency skills alone have benefited our customers in their professional, academic, and even in their personal lives. However, when a person’s language proficiency skills are combined with cultural competency, the value that person brings to the table grows exponentially. A culturally competent person […]

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