How Many Spanish Dialects Are There?

How Many Spanish Dialects Are There?

Over half a billion people speak Spanish. Spanish is also the national language in 20 countries and one dependent territory. With its global reach, it’s no surprise that the language has variations across diverse regions and countries. Understanding the number of dialects is vital for native speakers, educators, linguists, and language learners as it impacts […]

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Why is Language Certification so Important in Healthcare?

Why Is Language Certification Important in Healthcare? Language certification is essential in healthcare because it ensures optimal patient care and increases safety. Speaking more than one language in healthcare positions helps nurses, doctors, and care teams provide quality care for diverse communities. Overcoming language barriers in healthcare is crucial because it ensures patients receive and […]

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Benefits of Pre-employment Language Testing

The Benefits of Pre-Employment Language Testing for Law Firms & Corporate Legal Departments Introduction Attorneys know that Rule 1.1 of the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct “ABA Models Rules,” which has been adopted by most states, requires that attorneys “shall provide competent representation to a client. Competent representation requires the legal knowledge, […]

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